The River Wye (Welsh: Afon Gwy) is the fifth-longest river in the UK, stretching some 215 kilometres (134 miles) from its source on Plynlimon in mid Wales to the Severn estuary. For much of its length the river forms part of the border between England and Wales. The Wye Valley (lower part) is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Wye is important for nature conservation and recreation.
The Wye is world renown for its Salmon fishing, sadly now much in decline but it can still produce 30lb + fish. The Salmon fishing in Builth can be good depending on water height and the time of the year. With the river 2 foot or more above normal at Hereford bridge the Salmon can run the length of the river. Early fish may arrive at Builth Wells in late May but with plenty of water June can be a good month.
Home of the Grayling Masters, Builth Wells water is a superb Grayling water with both quantities of good fish and the odd monster.
Good fly fishing for trout on the club water with many fish around the 1lb mark.
Coarse Fishing
A good head of Chub along with Dace and Pike in the club waters.